Eleven years ago after our move back from England, we adopted two adorable black and white kittens that captured our hearts at the Scarecrow Festival in Chapel Hill, Texas. We weren't intending on coming home with 2 furry creatures, but it was the best decision we made.
I am so sad to report that Bandit passed away this week. I want to thank Christine and Lily Peters and Lisa Lowenstein for taking good care of him while we were away and for being there for our 3 other cats. Pixie (left) and Bandit (right) were always so close to one another, even sharing the same wicker basket, chair, and hanging out on my bed day and night.

This is a collage I made last fall using only magazine images (no paint). The collage has its home in my daughter Madolyn's apartment in Brooklyn. I enjoyed creating this and just love how it turned out. I believe this shows literally how close they were to one another.
I will miss Bandit's presence every day but will smile every time I think about him... sleeping on my head, laying on my arm while I am doing art or on the computer, cuddling, and more. xoxo.

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