For the past couple of weeks I have been practicing the "Envelope" or "Blocking In" technique that I learned about in my drawing class this month.
It's an exercise to train your observational skills, blocking in the basic shapes that make up an object. It has become quite a valuable tool. I am getting better at not only drawing the general shape and the relative proportions before getting into all the details. To me it is sort of like a puzzle, piecing things together, looking at the diagonal lines, seeing where they cross, and of course, lots of erasing!
This color pencil drawing in progress is done by building up many light layers of color. What I have completed so far is about the size of my hand and has taken about 12-15 hours to complete (I've lost track). I keep it in my purse along with my color pencils and a sharpener, and pretty much any time I have waiting for any reason, I will pull it out and add a few more touches to it.
I am happy that my realism drawing skills have improved so much in such a short time. It is true that in order to get better you have to practice a lot. I mean, a whole lot! But just like with anything else, the more you practice the better you get.
Does this look good enough to eat?? My husband thinks so!
My first oil painting
I have been wanting to try oil painting for such a long time now, but have been putting it off because I felt intimidated by it. So many people told me how smelly the oil and thinners are and messy.
I challenged myself to learn as much as I could (well, enough to get started anyway). I watched several YouTube videos by my new favorite artist, Lena Danya ( She is an amazingly talented young woman, and I find that her teaching and explanations really help me to get over my fears.
So I jumped right in, not really knowing what I was going to paint. For a long time I thought that the road was going to be a river. I was going back and forth with the idea, and I just let the painting speak to me. I watched another YouTube video on how to paint bushes and put that into practice. I already had learned about trees and lighting, so felt comfortable with that.
The reddish background reminds me of all the forest fires that have blazed over the last year. I do have to wonder what is around the bend?

Gallery Hours
This is the perfect time for you to drop in and see my art, or even see me as I am working on my pieces.
Tuesdays (1-3pm)
May 7, 21
Wednesdays (7-9pm)
May 8, 22
Please let me know if you are planning on stopping by. Email me at, call or text (713) 252-1612.
Mother's Day Gifts: Products and prints available for purchase

Are you looking for a unique gift for mom this year? I am delighted to offer my artwork printed on a wide variety of products including tee shirts, greeting cards, tapestries, duvet covers, phone covers, notebooks, pillows, tote bags, and more! Here are just a few of the items that my clients have already purchased. I currently have 22 images available on RedBubble. Check it out and let me know what you think!
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