#jennuineexpressions #procreateoilpaintbrush #somebodystopme #zendala #smoothshading #gettingoutofmycomfortzone #wherethemagichappens
What happens when you leave your comfort zone?
One of the reasons I began writing this blog 30 weeks ago was in response to a friend's suggestion that I put my artwork "out into the universe" and that my art would inspire others. In my art class this week I saw an image of two circles, one small and the other about 10 times bigger. The words in the small circle said "Comfort Zone" and the words in the larger more substantial circle said "where the MAGIC happens". It is quite scary leaving the safety of my comfort zone!
As I look back and reflect on the 30 blogs I have written thus far, I have realized how important it is for me not only to have a creative outlet, which is one of my basic life necessities, but to have a place to share it.
When was the last time you put yourself out there? I would love to hear from you. Please leave a comment or send me an email at jennifer@jennuineexpressions.com.
What's on my "easel" - Digital art galore!

I love experimenting with different brush styles. This portrait (designed from my imagination) was created using the oil paint brush.
I still have a bit to do around the neck and chin, but I kind of like how she is turning out. She seems to have a clear mind, focus, and quite confident. Her hair reminds me of the 70s. Maybe it's the colors? T
his looks like this could be someone's high school yearbook photo... what do you think? Feel free to leave me a comment on my blog.
Tulip Surprise
I was going back to my tulips, trying to "perfect" them. So I decided that for this one I was going to find an image I liked on Pinterest and try to match it as best as I could. I also used the oil paint brush on this. I love the way it turned out. After I showed it off to Steve and Noah, I sat back down in my comfy spot on the couch and looked at my computer screen that was still opened. And then I noticed it... the words "Uploaded by Jennifer Friedman". I had to click to be sure that I was the right Jennifer Friedman, and low and behold, the image that spoke to me that I thought I randomly chose was mine all along... Has this ever happened to you, when you felt a connection to something and realized you had it all along? If so, please comment on my blog.
More "Zendalas"
Somebody stop me! Ha ha, just kidding.
Here are a couple more pieces from this week... "Shalom Hamsa" and "Marble Nature".
I watched this video on YouTube called "How to get smooth shading" by Austin Batchelor. His easy to watch tutorial taught me how to shade a sphere using Procreate's layers feature and his tutorial inspired me to try drawing a marble one more time... I have tried so many times before, but I never could get them to look realistic, so I tried using my iPad and voila!
New this week in my Jenn Expressions Redbubble Shop
Geometric Patterns
Zooming Teal and Argyle
How cool would it be to own these unique creations or to provide exclusive gifts for friends and family. It is an easy way to take care of your holiday shopping! Your favorite pattern available on 62 different products!
To see all products currently available for purchase, be sure to check out my store at JennExpressions on Redbubble.

New item: SOCKS!!
“Every artist dips his brush in his own soul and paints his own nature into his pictures."
— Henry Ward Beecher
American Congregationalist clergyman, social reformer, and speaker,
known for his support of the abolition of slavery. Wikipedia

Upcoming Event: Magazine Collage "Meetup"
Wednesday, October 30th
6:30pm - 9:00pm
Cafe Express - Meyerland
All levels welcome. Bring your magazines, glue sticks, scissors, Xacto blade and cutting mat (not required but helpful). You will also need some type of smooth art board of your choice as your background. Let’s have fun creating together.
630 Dinner together (optional) 700 Collage
If you are interested in attending these FREE future events, please reserve your spot so I need to know how many people to set up for. Here is link for more information and registration.
Keep in touch!
Please feel free to leave a comment via email at jennifer@jennuineexpressions.com or on the Jennuine Expressions Facebook Page.
RedBubble Prints & Products: https://www.redbubble.com/people/jennexpressions
Subscribe to my blog: www.jennuineexpressions.com