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Color makes the world go around...

Writer's picture: Jennifer FriedmanJennifer Friedman


This collage took me several months to complete and is 100% made up of many magazine images, colors, patterns, and textures. My inspiration originally came from an image I had saved on my Pinterest board of Bruges.

While living in England from 2005-2008, our family ventured on a 10-day trip through Belgium and Holland in April 2006. Bruges was one of the prettiest and perhaps one of my favorite stops along the way. I felt like the town reminded me of a page right out of a child's storybook! Although my particular collage scene is made up, it reminds me of fond memories from our family's vacation. The kids were so little then! My girls now are 25 and almost 24, and Noah is 17, and looking at colleges already!

And here we are on our canal ride. Although it was April, it was soooo cold!

This is one of those projects where I couldn't stop searching and adding in all the little details that truly makes the scene come alive ~ windows, doorways, tiny people, steeple tops, music notes, maps, eyes, faces, and so much more. I would love to do more in this "series".

The reflection of the buildings in the water were quite tricky, but I think I did pretty good.

I love the artist on the far right along with the couple behind her that is watching and admiring her creation. And I think the guy in his blue winter gear is thinking about going for a scubadive. Doesn't he know how cold it is??

The original with a neutral-color 2-inch mat is currently available for purchase. Please contact me for more information at To see more about this project, check on my August 20th blog entitled "This week in art... Textures, swirly shapes, and colors!"

Color Theory Art Class

This fall I am taking an 8-week Color Theory class at Rice University. One of our tasks was to buy these crazy colored paints that colors names have never been in the Crayola 64-count crayon box! Pthalo Green, Alazarin Crimson, and Yellow Ochre, just to name a few!

The 18 x18 square color chart on the left is for those working with watercolors, which is half the class. I am using acrylic paints and learning the recipes to create the colors along the outside edge of the color wheel. Some of these colors are straight out of out the tube, and many of them are not and need to be blended. Then we are adding in various amounts of white to get the lighter tints.

In the image below our assignment is to create a 12x12 square color grid. After taking 2 hours just to create the chart, I got nearly 3 of the rows complete and it only took me about an hour and a half. And here is the mess I have created!

How do you like my "Masterpiece" on the left? This is my way of cleaning off the brushes before changing colors (which is often!). I hate wasting paint, so when I make too much I can't bare to throw it out, so I scoop it up with my palette knife and preserve it in a plastic jar to save for "later." The splotches on the right is on palette paper (a non-stick surface) and that is where I mix the colors. Once the colors are all dried up, I can peel the bits right up off the page and can continue to use those pieces in future collage projects!

So how does color theory help me? Well, this week when I wanted to cut up colors and textures from magazine pages, I immediately sorted the bits by color like I always do. Typically I would have set aside the browns and grays in separate drawers. This time I decided to really look at each of the browns and grays to see what other colors I see in them. Some of the browns look a bit purple or green, some of the grays look like blue. It just gets really tricky, but now I have a full range of color options within each drawer. And Skid, the chicken-eating moocher of a cat, is helping me out, I think.

Digital Artwork to the rescue!

I offered to help my husband Steve create official business logos for his new endeavor. His website is and has a wealth of information along with tips on understanding the introvert better, whether it's you or someone else you love. He is also publishing his first book and so has set up his Peavine Press LLC business, which I combined my acrylic artwork along with the digital work.

And here are a couple more things I am working on. The lily ponds coming along nicely, I think. Still have a ways to go, but am enjoying using various shades of greens and purples. And the vintage girl with the umbrella is inspired by a painting that I have had ever since my grandparents passed (1999 and 2001), where they had it hanging in the kitchen along with a young boy. The color dots on the side of the girl is my color palette that I created. I'm working on her skirt ruffles, but it's so tricky! lots of swirls and creases. As I am looking at it now, it looks like piano keys...

Artist quote of the week

I wish I knew where this originated so I can give credit, but thanks to paperpaintingscollage for sharing it on Instagram!

How cool would it be to own these unique creations or to provide exclusive gifts for friends and family. It is an easy way to take care of your holiday shopping! Your favorite pattern available on 50 different products!

The 18" x 24" original is also for sale.

For inquiries, send me an email at

To see all products currently available for purchase, be sure to check out my store at JennExpressions on Redbubble.


Upcoming Event: Magazine Collage "Meetup"

Wednesday, October 30th

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Cafe Express - Meyerland

(Southwest Houston)

All levels welcome. Bring your magazines, glue sticks, scissors, Xacto blade and cutting mat (not required but helpful). You will also need some type of smooth art board of your choice as your background. Let’s have fun creating together.


630 Dinner together (optional) 700 Collage

If you are interested in attending these FREE future events, please reserve your spot so I need to know how many people to set up for. Here is link for more information and registration.


Keep in touch!

Please feel free to leave a comment via email at or on the Jennuine Expressions Facebook Page.




© 2019 by Jennuine Expressions, LLC.

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