#alldolledupandnowheretogo #artisfun #procreateartwork #girlygirl #fashionableart #wearableart #jennuineexpressions #beyondintroversion
"All dolled-up and nowhere to go..."

Hair, check..... makeup, check..... cute dress, check....
When I was a little girl I would only wear dresses - never pants, as I was a "girly girl" through and through. I remember my grandmother telling me how "dolled up" I looked and always asked me if I had a date (really? I was 6 years old!). I was perfectly content playing at home with my Fisher Price Little People, even if I was all dolled up, wearing with ribbons in my hair, black patent leather Mary Jane shoes, knee high socks with lace, lacy tights, and dresses and bonnets with ruffles.
The first photo is me about 4 years old sitting in the rocking chair that my dad bought my mom when I was a baby. It resides in my bedroom today. The second photo is Aunt Marilyn, me (3 years old) and my mom. I guess I get the love of long hair, flowers, and ribbons from the women in my family. And the third photo is me about 3 years old. How hip was our home furnishings in the 70s?

Being "dolled up" means going out of your way to make yourself look good for a special occasion - perhaps a date, a gala, or just a night out with friends. It makes me feel better like I have accomplished something when I take the time to curl my hair, when I put on mascara, or wear something other than my pilates clothes.
The truth of the matter is that even as an adult, I am just as happy being at home, in my happy place, surrounded by my husband, who retired last year, my son and daughter (when they aren't at school, working, or elsewhere), and of course, my art!
Fortunately, my family doesn't really care what I look like and most of the time I'm in clothes that have a paint stain somewhere on them or I have paint under my elbows. My son asks me why I didn't clean it off. I didn't even know it was there. But he notices every detail.
Thank you for indulging me and allowing me to reminisce about my childhood...
What's on my easel today: Digital art from my iPhone
I have just discovered that the Procreate app also works on my iPhone, which has allowed me the ability to create more often without lugging around my iPad! These images are in the dimension of my iPhone, but I have experimented with other shapes as well.
I found that I could also continue to do my kaleidoscope series as well. The last one is using the "Perspective Drawing Guide" which I also found to be quite fun and a little dizzying. I am not going to lie, but I worked on these 3 while at the Rice v UT Football game. The only reason I was there was to watch my son's school choir perform the National Anthem before the game. Other than that, I had no interest in following the game. I did enjoy the BBQ Sandwich and the ice cream...
Family is forever
My daughter, Gwendolyn (who just turned 25 this week) has been busy sorting her colored pencil collection by color. She takes after her mom with the love of art supplies. Perhaps borderline hoarders?

My husband Steve has a blog and a website that features his memoirs and he focuses on being an introvert in a world of non-introverts. Each month he features one of my art pieces, so you can ready when he wrote about my mixed media collage, "The Traveler", which is also available on Redbubble.com. Be sure to check out his website at www.beyondintroversion.com.
My sister-in-law, Renee, is sporting her newest fashionable A-Line dress designed by me! It's available on Redbubble.com. How cute is that?!
New this week on Redbubble.com
Earlier this year I have discovered RedBubble and the ability to turn my own artwork into wonderful products, from tote bags to shower curtains, coasters, greeting cards, dresses, shirts, pillows, and more. How cool would it be to own these unique creations or to provide exclusive gifts for friends and family. It is an easy way to take care of your holiday shopping!
To see all products currently available for purchase, be sure to check out my store at JennExpressions on Redbubble.
Newest additions: Blue Dots Galore

“Painting is easy when you don’t know how, but very difficult when you do.”
- Edgar Degas was a French artist famous for his paintings, sculptures, prints, and drawings. He is especially identified with the subject of dance; more than half of his works depict dancers. Regarded as one of the founders of Impressionism, he rejected the term, preferring to be called a realist. Wikipedia

Upcoming Event: Magazine Collage "Meetup"
Wednesday, October 30th
6:30pm - 9:00pm
Cafe Express - Meyerland
All levels welcome. Bring your magazines, glue sticks, scissors, Xacto blade and cutting mat (not required but helpful). You will also need some type of smooth art board of your choice as your background. Let’s have fun creating together.
630 Dinner together (optional) 700 Collage
If you are interested in attending these FREE future events, please reserve your spot so I need to know how many people to set up for. Here is link for more information and registration.
Please feel free to leave a comment via email at jennifer@jennuineexpressions.com or on the Jennuine Expressions Facebook Page.
Keep in touch!
RedBubble Prints & Products: https://www.redbubble.com/people/jennexpressions
Subscribe to my blog: www.jennuineexpressions.com